This lovely floating home was spotted just off the coast of Rhode Island. Who says that trailer trash can't enjoy a day on the ocean riding in a luxury cabin cruiser. I can honestly say I have never seen one of these before. I give his owner two thumbs up.
WOW! This is a real work of art in the making. The owner of this home should be open for business. He could sell all that stuff to other trailer trasher's for lawn decorations and make a fortune. This stuff is a dream for trailer trash looking for new and interesting things to add to their own private collection. The owner of this site is sitting on a gold mind. I give this owner two thumbs up for style, originality, and beauty.
At least if your trailer trash and one of your appliances breaks down you can always step out the front door and pick up a new one. As this mobile home owner is doing. Also notice he has a spare storm door and extra window screens, along with buckets of roof cement for the rainy season. The owner of this home gets two thumbs up for style and originality.
This mobile home owner has the right idea. Just take your home along with you when you go on vacation, that way you can be sure that you will not forget anything. You can just haul your home where ever you go. You can even leave your A.C. in. This mobile home was seen leaving a 7-11 on their way down south to visit the kin folk. I give this owner two thumbs up.
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New England Trailer Trash
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