This charming home was spotted just off I-95. notice how the owner has attached two mobile homes together and also built a car port. How original, I give his owner two thumbs up.
Even in Connecticut you have trailer trash. The owner of this New Englander has decided to decorate his yard with the traditional look, by placing used appliances in his yard and a broken down car. I give the owner of this home two thumbs up for style.
This charming little number has the main family house with a mother-in-law attachment, how original. Notice that you don't have to leave the main house to visit the mother in law. You just have to simply go down the hall through the master bedroom and your there. The owner of this home gets two thumbs up for style and originality.
This lovely mobile home has a lot of potential. It has a screened in porch addition that helps keep the skeeta's away. You also have the traditional trailer trash yard decorations, used appliances, children's toys, household trash and a broken down motor cycle. The owner of this home should be in Better Homes and Gardens. This owner gets two thumbs up for style.
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